Welcome to Great Life Logistics™, part of the IvyLeagueWorks division that offers a logistics service with the primary mission to mentor international U.S. FMP Veterans and approved international Western Hemisphere clients.
What is Great Life Logistics™?
Great Life Logistics™, (short for: Globalmentoringteam 4Life Logistics) mentors specific small groups and individual’s logistical needs, removing stumbling blocks to overseas retirement home building, and often after the client returns to her or his nation of origin to complete other issues…
…the most frequently requested logistical need comes from English-speaking expatriates who purchase land in Coclé, República de Panamá (due to its unique climate that’s drier with an almost constant breeze); most have begun to purchase land or begin building and find the process far exceeds expectations.
Great Life Logistics™ also supports local homeowners associations through management services and soon will offer short-term, rental homes for English-speaking expatriates, upon approval by the province notary, who need to remain for a short duration near their recently purchased land holdings in Coclé, República de Panamá.
How does Great Life Logistics™ work?
Great Life Logistics™ works by mentoring local homeowners associations and approved international Western Hemisphere English-speaking expatriates, usually U.S. FMP Veterans.
Great Life Logistics™ uses on-location experience and a team of colleagues within government to minimize ever-intensifying bureaucratic issues unique to Coclé province, República de Panamá all due to increasing grass-fire activity from the warming global temperatures that threaten housing structures.
Coclé province grass-fires began to require aerial firefighting for the first time in 2025. The national government is attempting to prevent what could mirror the Los Angeles disaster of 2024 through massive housing code updates and inspection requirements from each government agency.
How can Great Life Logistics™ help me?
Great Life Logistics™ can help you by understanding your need, confirming your need is within Coclé province, República de Panamá , and ensuring your meet the essential service criteria.
The essential service criteria is that you are either an international U.S. FMP Veteran, or an approved international Western Hemisphere client by the Coclé province notary.